Linux copy below (cover )document
linux there will be prompts when overwriting the file below. you need to keep pressing Y to perform overwrite. no problem in case of small files, but in N whenever you have a file, keep pressing Y, you're going crazy, then cp commands will be a good choice at this time:
- cp -f * /home/wwwroot/demo1
still need to enter Y confirm the operation and ignore the directory.
- cp -r -f * /home/wwwroot/demo1
still need to enter Y let's confirm the operation. this time i won't ignore the directory. so everyone knows- r what is the attributes for? continue
- cp -r -a -f * /home/wwwroot/demo1
still need to enter Y let's confirm the operation. this time the directory is not ignored. and the permissions and attributes of the files in the current folder are passed to demo1 so we learned about it again- a what is the attribute?. so continue
- cp -r -f * /home/wwwroot/demo1
information technology 2012-11-16 18:51:00 via the web browse (3357) print
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